Banner Ads for your business or products on the most popular business directory in the Chattahoochee River Valley area. Your advertisement will be viewed by approx. 4,500 targeted viewers every month, and your banner ad will appear on every page of Columbus Georgia Online, your hometown news, sports and weather site. That’s 4,500 viewers interested in buying and dealing with local businesses.
300 x 90 Banner Ads
CGO is offering only the 300 x 90 banner ads size at this time. We are trying to hold the cost of advertising down to fit the present economy. More sizes will become available as the need arrises. Advertise with your 300 x 90 graphic banner Ad. If you don’t have a ready-made 300×90 banner graphic ad, we’ll make one for you at no extra charge. You may choose one month for just $35 or 3 months for $87.00, that’s a savings of $18 dollars over the 3 month period. As you chose longer plans you save more. The best deal is the 1 year of exposure on CGO at a rate of $270, or $22.50 per month.
Payments by PAYPAL
Our payments are processed by PAYPAL, use your own credit card. Visa,MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. We never see your credit card information due to the PAYPAL security system. This is the safest way to shop on the Internet.
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